Monstera Karstenianum Peru Epipremnum Pinnatum Marble Planet 30cm
Epipremnum Pinnatum Marble Planet Also known as Monstera Karstenianum Peru.
Currently, this plant is popularly referred to as Monstera ‘Peru’. However, the cultivator, says it is correctly classified as epipremnum pinnatum marble planet.
So is this plant in fact a monstera or is it an epipremnum? Most people agree that this is a species of monstera. Similarly to Monstera Obliqua, it sends out runners. However, unlike most monsteras, this plant does not get any fenestration. The most similar plant to this is Monstera Pinnatipartita, which does get fenestration. However, another monstera standleyana is another example of a monstera that does not have fenestration. Therefore, just because the cultivator doesn’t want it to be called a Monstera ‘Peru’ doesn’t mean we all have to call it Epipremnum Pinnatum Marble Planet. Especially if it isn’t in fact an epipremnum.
In the end, if you come across epipremnum pinnatum marble planet, just know it is also monstera 'Peru'. There is not genetic difference between the two.
Monstera Karstenianum Peru also known as Epipremnum Marble Planet are native to Southern Mexico and Central America. They are easily characterized by their dark deep veined leaves. They can be trained to be a climber if attached to a moss pole. A lovely plant with a big impact, gorgeous textured leaves that have to be seen to be believed!
Light: will do well in any light condition, but would love bright indirect light best (not direct sun)
Water: Water when top 2-3 cm are dry to touch.
Soil: well-draining soil mix.
Humidity: will tolerate normal household humidity levels.
Temperature: No rooms below 10°C please.
Toxicity: This plant is toxic, keep out of reach of pets and children.
This plant is supplied in nursery plastic pot:
Ø - 12 cm x h- 11cm