Dischidia Pectenoides fitted in Snail Shell Ant Plant Beginner Friendly Houseplant 30 cm
Dischidia Pectenoids Ant Plant growing off the real snail shell.
Is a highly decorative trailing plant native to South East Asia.
Its an epiphytic type that grow aerial roots to attach itself to the tree bark under trees canopy.
With its curved leaves the bubbly look of this plant is somewhat like balloons.
These plants are also called ant plants because of a unique symbiotic relationship with ants.
Dischidias Pectenoids attract ants and eat the dead ones – lending to them commonly referenced as carnivorous plants. Ants live inside the strange balloon-like foliage produced by the plant. They bring in nutrients and fend off predatory insects. In return, the plant provides a secure home. This is a fun and unique plant to grow in your home (without the ants).
Place: light and warm place on your windowshelf, yet without direct sunlight.
Regular roomtemperatures are great for this plant.
Light: It is best to grow your Dischidia in a spot that does not receive direct sunlight. These plants need bright light, but direct exposure can irrevocably damage the leaves. -choose a window that faces south, east or west.
Watering: Allow the planting medium to dry out before you water the plant. They are used to getting moisture only from dew and the air, and cannot tolerate soggy conditions. When the shell and bark is dry to the touch, submerge the shell in water until air bubbles are gone.
Fertilizer: It does not need to be fertilized, if you want to increase its growth rate you can add a balanced fertilizer to its soil in the growing season (evry 3 weeks).
Humidity: High humidity is appreciated for this plant
This plant is supplied on a hook wire.
Total lenght appox 30 cm .
Snail shell approx 10 cm in diameter.